
This website was designed to provide access to real-time wave data collected by a team of researchers from Flinders University and the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI). Our main interests include (i) to determine and monitor wave transformation from the open coast into Gulf Saint Vincent; (ii) studies of sediment transport in the nearshore and along the Adelaide Metropolitan Coast, using numerical models driven by the wave buoy data and (iii) to develop and validate SARDI’s wave model developed for GSV and Spencer Gulf and wave forecasting models in collaboration with the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM).

For more information please contact Assoc Prof Graziela Miot da Silva  (Flinders University) and/or Dr Mark Doubell (SARDI)

Picture above: Deployment day. From left to right: Paul Malthouse (SARDI), Graziela Miot da Silva (Flinders University) and Ian Moody (SARDI), aboard the MV Southern Ranger.